Air fryers have become a popular kitchen appliance in recent years, offering a healthier alternative to traditional deep frying.

These countertop devices use circulating hot air to cook food, providing a crispy texture similar to deep-fried dishes, but with significantly less oil. However, like any kitchen gadget, air fryers can encounter issues.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to troubleshoot common issues with air fryers and share some tips to ensure your air fryer works seamlessly.

So let’s begin!

Understanding How Air Fryers Work

Before we look into troubleshooting, let’s briefly review how air fryers operate. Air fryers are essentially small convection ovens that use a fan to circulate hot air around the food. This process creates a crispy outer layer while cooking the inside thoroughly.

Most air fryers come in two main types: basket-style air fryers and toaster oven air fryers.

  1. Basket-Style Air Fryers: These air fryers have a pull-out basket where you place your food. The basket is equipped with a perforated tray, allowing hot air to circulate evenly around the ingredients. Basket-style air fryers are popular for their compact size and ease of use.
  2. Toaster Oven Air Fryers: These combine the functions of a traditional toaster oven and an air fryer, offering more cooking versatility. They often have larger capacities, making them ideal for preparing family-sized meals.

If you’re new to using an air fryer, be sure to check out our ‘how to use an air fryer‘ guide. Now, let’s troubleshoot common issues that may arise while using an air fryer.

Food Isn’t Crispy Enough

If your fried food doesn’t have the desired crispiness, there are a few things you can check:

  • Overcrowding: Overloading the air fryer basket or tray can obstruct the air circulation, resulting in uneven cooking. Make sure to leave enough space for hot air to flow around each piece of food.
  • Oil Distribution: Some recipes require a light coating of oil on the food to achieve a crispy texture. Ensure that you’re not using too much or too little oil, as this can affect the final outcome.
  • Food Prep: Pat food items dry before placing them in the air fryer. Excess moisture on the surface can hinder crispiness.
  • Shake or Flip: Periodically shake the basket or flip the food to ensure even cooking. This is especially important for items like French fries and chicken wings.

Food Sticks to the Basket or Tray

Food sticking to the basket or tray is a common issue. To prevent this, you can:

  • Use Parchment Paper: Consider using parchment paper or an air fryer liner to prevent sticking. Just make sure they are safe for air frying.
  • Lightly Oil the Basket or Tray: A light coat of oil on the basket or tray can create a non-stick surface.
  • Preheat the Air Fryer: Preheating can help create a non-stick surface for the food.

Air Fryer is Noisy

Air fryers do make some noise due to the fan and heating elements. However, if you notice excessive or unusual noise, there might be an issue with the unit. In such cases:

  • Check for Loose Parts: Ensure that all parts are securely in place and not loose.
  • Cleaning: Regularly clean the air fryer, especially the fan and heating elements, to prevent obstructions that may cause noise.
  • Contact Customer Support: If the noise persists, consider reaching out to the manufacturer or customer support for guidance.

Food Cooks Unevenly

Inconsistent cooking can be frustrating, but it’s often easily resolved:

  • Size Matters: Ensure that the food pieces you’re cooking are similar in size to promote even cooking.
  • Temperature and Timing: Double-check the recipe for the recommended temperature and cooking time. Adjust if needed.
  • Shaking or Flipping: As mentioned earlier, shake the basket or flip the food at least once during the cooking process for even results.
  • Use Accessories: Some air fryers come with accessories like racks or trays that can help with multi-level cooking. Utilize these for better results.

Unpleasant Odors

If your air fryer produces unpleasant odors, follow these steps:

  • Clean Regularly: Odors can accumulate from previous cooking sessions. Clean your air fryer thoroughly, especially after cooking strong-smelling foods like fish.
  • Change Filters: If your air fryer has a filter, replace it as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Cooking Oil: The type of oil you use can affect the aroma. Opt for oils with higher smoke points to reduce odors.

Air Fryer Won’t Turn On or Overheats

If your air fryer has power issues, consider these solutions:

  • Check the Power Source: Ensure the air fryer is properly plugged in and the outlet is functional. Try using a different outlet if needed.
  • Safety Features: Some air fryers have safety features that prevent overheating. Allow the unit to cool down before attempting to use it again.
  • Circuit Overload: Be mindful of using other high-power appliances on the same circuit while your air fryer is in use.

Accessories and Parts Are Not Dishwasher Safe

Most air fryer baskets and trays are dishwasher safe, but certain parts may not be. To maintain your air fryer and its accessories:

  • Read the Manual: Always consult the user manual to determine which parts are dishwasher safe.
  • Hand Wash if Necessary: If a part is not dishwasher safe, wash it by hand with warm, soapy water.

Air Fryer is Taking Up Too Much Counter Space

If your kitchen is feeling cluttered due to your air fryer, consider these options:

  • Store Accessories Separately: If your air fryer comes with multiple accessories, store them separately to free up counter space.
  • Consider a Compact Model: If space is a major concern, look for a smaller, more compact air fryer. Some 6-quart air fryers are designed with space-saving in mind.
  • Utilize a Toaster Oven Air Fryer: Toaster oven air fryers offer a two-in-one solution, replacing both your toaster and air fryer, which can save valuable counter space.

Food Isn’t Cooking Fast Enough

If your air fryer seems to be taking longer than expected, consider the following:

  • Preheat Properly: Make sure you preheat the air fryer as instructed in your recipes. Preheating can significantly impact cooking time.
  • Recipe Adjustments: Check your recipes and cooking temperatures. If you’re cooking frozen foods, you might need to increase the cooking time.
  • Food Placement: Ensure that you’re not overcrowding the basket or tray, as this can extend cooking time.

The Air Fryer Smokes Excessively

Air fryers may produce some smoke, especially when cooking fatty foods like pork chops or bacon. However, if you’re experiencing excessive smoke, consider these tips:

  • Reduce Oil Usage: Be cautious with the amount of oil used, especially when cooking fatty cuts of meat.
  • Clean Regularly: Regularly clean the interior of your air fryer, especially the heating elements, to prevent excessive smoking.
  • Proper Airflow: Ensure that there is adequate airflow within the air fryer to minimize smoke buildup.

Air Fryer Keeps Shutting Off

If your air fryer turns off unexpectedly, consider the following:

  • Check the Power Source: Ensure the unit is securely plugged into a functional outlet. Try using a different outlet or power source.
  • Safety Features: Some air fryers have built-in safety features that can shut off the appliance if it overheats. Allow it to cool before using it again.
  • Avoid Overloading: Overloading the air fryer can trigger safety features, causing it to shut off. Stick to recommended capacities.

The Air Fryer Doesn’t Reach the Desired Temperature

If your air fryer struggles to reach the set temperature, you can try the following:

  • Preheat Properly: Ensure that you preheat the air fryer to the desired temperature before placing your food inside. Preheating aids in reaching and maintaining the set temperature.
  • Examine the Heating Elements: Check the condition of the heating elements. If they are damaged or malfunctioning, contact customer support or consider repair or replacement.
  • Inadequate Power Supply: Make sure the outlet you’re using can provide sufficient power to the air fryer. An electrical issue can affect temperature control.

Choosing the Right Air Fryer

To avoid many of the common issues associated with air fryers, make sure to choose the right air fryer. Here are a few top picks based on consumer reviews:

A good air fryer does not mean an expensive one! You can also find some best Air Fryers Under $100 only. So choose wisely!

To Sum it Up!
Air fryers are fantastic kitchen appliances that can help you prepare delicious, crispy dishes with less oil. When troubleshooting common issues with air fryers, remember to follow the user manual’s recommendations, maintain regular cleaning, and use the appliance as intended.

By addressing these common problems and incorporating our tips, you can ensure that your air fryer works smoothly and continues to provide you with healthy and tasty fried food.

Curious about the newest kitchen gadgets? Check out for the top kitchen gadget reviews on the web.


Why does my air fryer emit a plastic-like smell during the first use?

A plastic-like smell during the first use is normal and typically arises from the heating elements and internal components. It’s a result of the manufacturing process and any residual oils or protective coatings. To get rid of the smell, run the air fryer empty at a high temperature (400°F or 200°C) for 10-15 minutes, and the odor should dissipate.

How do I prevent my air fryer from smoking excessively when cooking fatty foods?

Excessive smoking when cooking fatty foods, like pork chops, can be minimized by reducing the amount of oil used in the recipe. Additionally, make sure your air fryer is clean, especially the heating elements, and ensure there is proper airflow within the unit. If the smoking persists, consider using a drip tray or air fryer liner to catch excess drippings.

What should I do if my air fryer is giving off a burning smell during use?

If your air fryer emits a burning smell during use, it’s essential to turn it off immediately and unplug it. This could be a sign of a malfunction or a foreign object in contact with the heating elements. Allow the unit to cool down, inspect it for obstructions, and contact customer support or seek professional assistance as needed.


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